Current Shows
Most of our shows are non-storyline variety act shows, appropriate for all ages. Each show contains over a dozen different large, colorful puppets, with magicians, trapeze artists, silly animals, and tightrope walkers!

Each show is between 35-40 minutes long, with audience participation an integral part of each show.
We come complete with lights, sound system and puppet stage which has been built with larger venues and performance areas in mind; all we need is an 8' x 10' or so space and access to electricity.
Live performances are an experience for children that just can't be duplicated in today's world of technology- often one of our shows is a child's first introduction to a theatrical experience.

Barrel O' Monkey's Bash
Come join the circus with Beale Street Puppets!
Join Margaret Monkey on her flying trapeze, Bobby the Baby Elephant and our Cavalcade of Clowns.
Our musical marionette variety show is just the ticket for private parties! It's a full half hour of laughs for kids and adults of all ages!

Appropriate for all ages.
There's a little bit of everything in this razzmatazz Vegas style revue- magicians, jugglers, showgirls and acrobats- this glittery and glamorous show has it all!
Appropriate for all ages.​

Candy Cane
The Holidays are sweeter with Candy Cane Christmas!
Scrumptious the Sugar Plum Fairy does a high-wire act, while Elmer Elf and his magic act entertains! Lollipop Lad and Candi Cane dance a delicious duet, the Juggling Christmas tree gets decorated, and our Candy Dandy Showgirls kick up their gumdrop heels for the Christmas Finale with Santa Claus!

Appropriate for all ages; nonreligious.
The past is alive with prehistoric performers!

May we introduce our Extinct Entertainers? Elvis- Saurus and Ted Pterodactyl lead in the Fossil Follies with our Madcap Mesozoic Marionettes! Silly is the word for this show, with colorful dinosaurs everywhere!

Appropriate for all ages and recommended for preschool audiences in particular.

Dig Those

​The Enchanted Mermaid
Once upon a time.....

our hero John Cobbler stumbled upon a hidden castle. A beautiful maiden has been transformed into a mermaid! Can John use his wits to free the mermaid and escape from the wicked Lord Fish?
Based upon the Walter de La Mare short story "Lord Fish" written in 1927.
This show features elegantly crafted Bunraku style puppets with elaborately built miniature castle and interior sets. Framed in a beautiful, large black theatre stage, this show was originally built for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Appropriate for all ages; this large theatre production is only available for black box and traditional theatre spaces.
​Magic is everywhere!

A fantasy land of gnomes, fairies, wizards, and elves
comes to the village green in a miniature gypsy tent!
Originally built for the Maryland Faerie Festival, this smaller scale musical show is a stylistic departure from many of our other variety shows, with handcrafted whimsical woodland creatures performing upon a unique stage of miniature tree stumps and toadstools.

Appropriate for all ages.

Halloween Hijinks
Oooo, it's Halloween Hijinx!

A Spooktacular Spectacle of Ghostly Girls, Vinnie Vampire and His All Bats Trio, Napoleon Bone-A-Part, and our very own Tap Dancing Pumpkin Man!
No Tricks- just Treats- this show is not at all Scary, just Silly!
Appropriate for all ages.

Punch and
Judy's World
Blast off to a Space Age Adventure!
Beam aboard for far-out fun with our musical Milky Way marionettes!
Aliens and Astronauts, Spaceships and Planets-- just about everything in the galaxy and beyond joins together for our Astronomical Rock 'n' Robot Finale!
Appropriate for all ages.
Out of Orbit

​Our non-traditional Punch and Judy show stars all the usual suspects- Punch, his wife Judy, their wailing Baby, Punch's dog Toby, the Doctor, Policeman, and the Devil-You-Know. But there's a modern twist to our tale!
Presented as a Colonial era show with historic costumes and traditional large handpuppet stage, this live show jumps the centuries with up to the minute references to today's political and celebrity topics!
Punch's traditional violence is out as well- yes, he still throws the Baby out the window, but resourceful Baby springs back on his bungee cord! Silly humor, banter with the audience, and good natured fun are the name of the game in our updated Punch and Judy!
Appropriate for all audiences.
Perfect for historical re-enactment camps and events as well!
It's a Razzmatazz Vegas style revue for the younger Rat Pack set!
There's a little bit of everything in this show! The stage is aglow with magicians, jugglers, showgirls and acrobats- this glittery and glamorous show has it all!
Appropriate for all ages.
Razzle Dazzle Revue

It's Springtime in the Country- hop to it!
Bunnies and baby animals dance as Alexander's Ragtime Rabbit Band and our musical marionettes celebrate the end of winter! Perfect for Easter celebrations as well!

Appropriate for all ages: nonreligious.
"Shenanigans" is also available for St. Patrick's Day in an Irish music variation, " Irish Shenanigans".
Brrr! Winter is Coming- A Winter Wonderland, that is!

Jack Frost brings his magical touch to winter:
come see Nicicle Icicle the Penguin, Louis Walrus and his Sardine Chorus, Jingle Belle the Ice Skater, and Jolly Holly the Snowman! Our Snowflake Snowgirls Showgirls dance while our Tuxedo Penguins tip their tophats to you!
Winter is Whimsical with our Merry Marionettes!
Appropriate for all ages; nonreligious.
"Snowflakes" is also available in a non-holiday,
all winter music variation as "Winter Snowflakes",
as well as a Hanukkah music variation, "Hanukkah Snowflakes"

A Trio of Tales
Ninian the Cat sees all manner of human foibles in this set of three stories rolled into one lesson!
Join us for a kaleidoscope of colorful puppets and delightful music as our guide Ninian the Cat presents three tales: English fairy tale "Posset's Toby Jug", Aesop's Fable "The Ant and The Grasshopper" and a little-known, silly English children's poem brought to life, "Sir Smashem Uppe"!
You'll have a smashing good time!

Appropriate for all ages.
The Big Top is popping with Puppet Performers!

Rupert the Ringmaster introduces a One Ring Circus of Surprises- our Teddy Bear performers will amaze you with stupendous stunts, from Fabian's Flying Trapeze to Trixie on her Tightrope- and don't forget our Comical Clowns!
Appropriate for all ages.

Teddy Bear Circus

Teddy Bear
Oh, no! Teddy Bears are loose in the Toyshop!

Toys come to life in this rousing holiday show, with Rag Dolls a-dancing, Teddies a-prancing, Holly Dolly and the Mistletoe Marionettes a-singing-- and Elves trying to keep the musical mayhem down to a mere roar!
Let's open the gifts at the end of the show to find:
Teddy Bears Everywhere!

Appropriate for all ages; nonreligious.
Ask us about our Military and Non-Profit discount!
Beale Street Puppets​